After care

After a treatment, your skin may feel bumpy, puffy and tender. This could last from an hour to 24 hours.

Some small scabs about 1mm in size may develop 24 hours after treatment. They can take between 2 days to 2 weeks to heal.

Why is this important?

If your skin is still tender and needs more time to rest, it is best to cancel your next session as we will be unable to treat anywhere that is still healing.

Things to avoid after treatment

After a session, your skin is sensitive and needs time to heal properly. Stay clear of touching it, picking any scab, scratch and wear lose clothing around the area.

Avoid heat and water:

  • Heat treatments such as sunbeds, saunas and sunbathing to avoid hyperpigmentation.

  • Hot baths and showers

  • Swimming

  • Heavy exercise causing you to sweat as it overstimulates your skin and slows down your healing.

Avoid certain products:

  • Makeup, soap, perfumed products or perfume to the area that has been treated

  • Bleaching products on the area

  • Rubbing with any exfoliants.

Helping the healing process

  • Apply aloe vera or witch hazel after treatment to help minimise swelling and sooth area. This helps the skin to heal, rehydrate and nourish itself.

  • Continue a good skin care routine between treatments. This will mean your treatment can happen quicker as you will have shorter healing times. A rich moisturiser between treatments keeps you hydrated and will help.

  • Cleanse the treated area gently and pat the skin dry with clean towels and tissues

  • Exfoliate regularly so that dead skin is lifted - unblocking any follicles to assist with insertions. This will also minimise ingrown hairs and allow products to absorb into the skin. ONLY do this if your skin is scab free. 

  • Use a sun block of factor 30 daily after treatment as this will help to minimise risk of pigmentation.

  • If you have swelling after your treatment, you can apply a cold pack for a few minutes but not directly as this could cause ice burn.

Any other side effects? Feel free to contact me and I’ll let you know how best stay comfortable during your healing.